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He who wins the people wins; he who loses the people loses.

Updated:2022-10-13 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

He who wins the people wins; he who loses the people loses.

This is a phrase from Shi Ji (Records of the Historian) by Shima Qian (c. 145 or 135-? BC), a historian and writer of the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25).

The phrase has two meanings: One, the people's support determines the rise and fall of a state and a government. Only by winning the people's support can a ruler ensure a lasting state and government. Two, talent and capable people are vital to the rise and fall of a state and a government. Only by winning the support of talented and capable people can a ruler ensure a thriving state and government.

Appointing officials on their merits and placing them in suitable posts according to their abilities can help maintain state power and ensure lasting stability.

At a Seminar on Cyber Security and IT Application in April 2016, Xi Jinping said: China needs to bring together the best minds across the world and draw on their expertise to develop its cyber security and IT application programs. "He who wins the people wins; he who loses the people loses." He cited this ancient saying and pointed out that competition in cyber space is in essence competition of talent.


“得人者興,失人者崩” ,出自《史記》,其含義有二:其一,民心、人心決定一個國家或政權(quán)的盛衰興替。只有得到民心、順應(yīng)民心,才能保持國家或政權(quán)的興盛不衰。其二,人才對國家、政權(quán)的興盛與否起著至關(guān)重要的作用。也就是說,得到人心、獲得人才就會興旺,失掉人心、流失人才就會敗亡;只有任人唯賢、知人善任,才能成就大業(yè),保持國家和政權(quán)的長治久安。


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