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Home > Eco-Civilization

Environmental Supervision

Updated:2023-01-12 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Environmental Supervision

Environmental supervision aims to integrate the efforts of pollution prevention and control and eco-environmental conservation through supervision, management and other means, to reinforce unified supervision, to adopt unified policies, plans and standards, and to conduct unified monitoring and evaluation, law enforcement supervision and accountability inspection, so as to achieve balance between humanity and the environment. The state environmental protection supervisory organizations will be entrusted to conduct the supervision.

The 18th CPC Central Committee, at its third plenary session in 2013, decided to reform the eco-environmental protection management system, and establish a sound system to strictly supervise the emission of all pollutants and independently conduct environmental supervision and administrative law enforcement.

The CPC's 19th National Congress decided to reform the environmental regulation system. Relevant measures included establishing regulatory agencies to manage state-owned natural resources and monitor natural ecosystems, and improving environmental management systems. These agencies will, in a unified way, perform the duties of the owner of public-owned natural resources, of regulating the use of all territorial space and protecting and restoring ecosystems, of monitoring the discharge of all pollutants in urban and rural areas, and of conducting administrative law enforcement.

The environmental supervision system is an important means to promote quality development of the green economy and transformation of the model of economic growth.




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