The System of Institutions for Eco-Civilization
Establishing a sound system of institutions for an eco-civilization is an important part of Xi Jinping thought on eco-civilization.
According to the overall plan to reform the system for developing an eco-civilization, issued by the central authorities in September 2015, China would set up a complete system of institutions for an eco-civilization by the year 2020, which would feature a clear definition of property rights, participation of diverse entities, and both incentives and constraints.
This system of institutions is composed of the following eight elements:
?a system of property rights of natural resource assets, with clearly defined ownership, rights and responsibilities, and effective supervision, to address such problems as absence of owner and ownership ambiguity;
?a system for developing and protecting territorial space, based on spatial plans and control over usage, to solve such problems as occupation of quality farmlands and ecological space, eco-environmental damage, and pollution as a result of disorderly, excessive or dispersed development;
?a national unified spatial planning system with tiered management, with spatial governance and structural improvement as the main elements, to address such problems as conflicting plans, overlapping functions of government departments, and frequent changes in local regulations;
?a system for total consumption control and comprehensive resource conservation, based on science, procedures and strict management, to address such problems as serious waste and low utilization efficiency;
?systems of eco-compensation and paid use of natural resources, which reflect supply and demand, scarcity of resources, the value of nature, and inter-generation compensation, to address such problems as insufficient value being given to natural resources and their products, production and development costs that are lower than social cost, and insufficient compensation for eco-environmental protection;
?an environmental governance system for improving the environment, with unified regulation, strict law enforcement, and participation of diverse parties, to address such problems as weakness in pollution prevention and control, overlapping regulation functions, mismatch between powers and responsibilities, and inadequate sanctions against law violations;
?a market system for using more economic levers to help environmental governance and eco-environmental conservation, to address such problems as immature market entities and market system, and lack of public participation; and
?a system of performance review and accountability for eco-environmental damage, which fully reflects resource consumption, environmental damage and ecological benefits, to address such problems as incomplete performance assessment, unfulfilled responsibilities, and inadequate accountability for damage.