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Home > Eco-Civilization

Addressing Climate Change

Updated:2023-01-12 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Addressing Climate Change

Climate change threatens the shared future of humanity. Addressing this global issue needs a concerted effort from the whole international community.

China considers climate change to be a critical issue, and has made its response to climate change a major strategy in economic and social development, and green, low-carbon development as an important component of an eco-civilization. It has taken a number of measures and actions and made a significant contribution to the global response to climate change.

Since 2012, China has issued documents such as the National Plan for Response to Climate Change (2014-2020), the National Strategy in Response to Climate Change, and the Plan on Greenhouse Gas Emission Control During the 13th Five-year Plan Period. These documents contain policies and measures related to institutions and mechanisms, models of production and consumption, economic development, technological innovation, and international cooperation, in order to promote greener economic and social development in all respects.

China has applied its new concept for development, prioritized eco-environmental conservation, and pursues green, low-carbon development. It has scaled up its intended nationally determined contributions, and announced that carbon dioxide emissions will peak before 2030 and carbon neutrality will be achieved before 2060. Following the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, it has worked to increase international cooperation on climate change. It has promoted the conclusion and implementation of the Paris Agreement, and done its best to help other developing countries build capacity against climate change through results-oriented South-South cooperation, thus building strong momentum for global climate governance.




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