Green Technology
Green technology refers to technological innovations that aim to protect human health and the environment, and promote sustainable economic and social development. Such innovations involve energy saving, environmental protection, research and development of green products, design of green production techniques, development of new materials and new and renewable energy resources, green consumption, changes in consumption, green policies and regulations, and theories on environmental protection.
Green technology provides an important prop for the green economy, eco-environmental protection, and the building of an eco-civilization. Green development and a beautiful China rely on technological innovation. Application of green technology should go hand in hand with independent research and development. Integration of existing technological resources should have future innovation plans in mind, and improvement and restoration of the eco-environment should be closely connected with industrial structure adjustment, so as to address major scientific issues and improve key technologies that hinder the transformation of the growth model and sustainable development, provide knowledge, scientific theory and technological support for an eco-civilization, and promote sustainability of humanity and harmony between humanity and nature.