重約200公斤的世界最大的瓷板畫于2009年10月18日在景德鎮開幕的“2009中國景德鎮國際陶瓷博覽會”上展出。創作者萬志軍及團隊數十人費時兩個多月方才完工。 |
Weighing in at 200 kg, the world's largest?porcelain painting was exhibited at the "2009 China Jingdezhen International Ceramic Fair" that opened in Jingdezhen on October 18, 2009. The painter, Wan Zhijun, and tens of assistants spent more than two months creating it. |
據中國新聞網報道,瓷板畫長三點六八米,高一點五八米,這幅瓷板畫吸引了很多游客。它與英式臺球桌大小相仿(長三米五六,寬一米七八),重約200公斤。 |
At 3.68 m long and 1.58 m high, the?porcelain painting attracted many visitors. It has a similar size to an English billiard table (3.56 m long and 1.78 m high) and weighs about 200 kg, according to Chinanews.com.cn. |
創作者萬志軍和他數十名助手花了兩個多月的時間來創作它。 |
The painter, Wan Zhijun, and tens of assistants spent more than two months creating it. |
萬志軍說他從事陶瓷制作超過三十多年,由于自己喜愛畫猴,故此次創作的世界最大瓷板畫主題亦離不開“猴”。 |
Wan said he had engaged in ceramics for more than 30 years, adding that because he loved monkeys, the topic of the world's largest?porcelain painting was also related to monkeys. |
首次展出的瓷板已加上特制底座,形如屏風,正面瓷板為“群猴吉瑞圖”,畫面上飛瀑垂天而降,肥美的仙桃壓彎了樹枝,九只靈猴于林間嬉戲打鬧;背面瓷板為八匹駿馬奔馳,畫面用油彩繪成,顯得十分壯觀。兩面瓷板鑲于同一座框,又有“馬上封侯”的寓意。瓷板加上底座重量,達一點五噸重。(中新網) |
A screen-like special base was added to the porcelain, and the front side portrays an "auspice of monkeys" – a waterfall splashing over the rocks, fat peaches weighing down the branches of the trees, and nine holy monkeys playing around branches. The back side is a greasepaint picture of eight horses galloping. According to its Chinese meaning, both sides signify "promotion right away." The weight of the?porcelain painting display, including the base, reaches 1.5 tons.
(China.org.cn translated by Jessica) |