在經過了兩個多月的等待之后,寶鋼收購澳大利亞綜合礦業公司Aquila15%股權的方案終于獲得了澳洲政府的批準。 |
After a two-month wait, China’s largest steelmaker, Baosteel, has been given a nod of approval from the Australian Foreign Investment Review Board to invest US$240 million in return for a 15 percent stake in Aquila Resources Ltd. |
根據寶鋼與Aquila達成的協議,寶鋼將以2.85億澳元收購Aquila15%的股權,寶鋼副總經理戴志浩將進入Aquila董事會。 |
According to the agreement, Baosteel’s vice president Dai Zhihao will be given a seat on the Aquila board. |
Aquila是總部位于西澳大利亞的綜合礦業公司,主要經營業務有鐵礦石、煤炭和錳礦。此次寶鋼與Aquila的合作標志著寶鋼在國際化的進程中又邁出了重要而堅實的一步。 |
Perth-based mining company, Aquila produces iron ore, coal and manganese. The Aquila purchase marks a significant step forward in Baosteel’s internationalization strategy. |
關于寶鋼收購Aquila的消息,最早披露于8月27日。在當時簽訂的股權合作協議中,寶鋼同意認購Aquila新發行的不超過4395萬股股票,將以總價2.9億澳元的價格獲得Aquila15%股權,成為該公司的第二大股東。 |
Baosteel’s bid for a stake in Aquila was first reported on August 27 this year. In an initial agreement, Baosteel agreed to buy 43.95 million shares worth US$240 million to become the firm’s second largest shareholder. |
雙方交易若成功,寶鋼將能夠直接投資或參與開發Aquila旗下的多數項目,而Aquila將擁有從中國的銀行獲得低成本貸款的機會。同時,寶鋼還與Aquila簽署了關于戰略合作的備忘錄,雙方將在資源項目層面開展進一步合作。 |
If successful, the acquisition will be a win-win deal in which Baosteel can directly invest in or participate in the development of most Aquila projects and Aquila will be able to tap into low-cost finance from Chinese banks. The two parties have also signed strategic cooperation memoranda that pave the way for further cooperation on energy projects. |
業內人士分析稱,中國鋼企海外收購鐵礦石項目,旨在提高在鐵礦石談判上中方話語權,但成功的收購并不多,因此短時間內還不可能取代三大鐵礦石巨頭對中國鐵礦石的供應地位。 (經濟觀察網) |
Experts said that Chinese steel makers’ bids for stakes in overseas miners reflect China’s efforts to gain a greater voice in iron ore talks, but because few bids have so far succeeded it is unlikely to challenge Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Brazil's Vale’s dominance in iron ore supply in the short term.
(China.org.cn translated by He Shan) |