調查發現,對于擇校現象普遍存在的原因,63.9%的人首選“學校之間的辦學水平差距過大”。接下來還包括高考指揮棒導致的必然結果(56.5%),家長過于看重孩子的成績(55.5%),素質教育政策沒落實(48.8%),地方政府對不同學校的經費投入沒做到一視同仁(48.6%)等。 |
According to the survey, 63.9 percent of the respondents regarded "the difference in schools' competencies" as the main reason for choosing schools. It was followed by "the pressure of entering college" (56.5%); "parents' overreaction to children's education" (55.5%)' "malfunction of a quality-oriented education policy" (48.8%); and "local governments' unbalanced investments in schools" (48.6%). |
擇校危害:給普通家庭帶來沉重負擔 |
Education fees a heavy burden |
“孩子的教育經費是我們家最大的開銷。”楊海玲說,為了讓孩子有個好的成長環境,他們從幼兒園就開始擇校。當時幼兒園提供的是豐臺區教委的銀行賬號,她一次性交了近4萬元“捐助款”。孩子學得苦,家長也不堪重負。 |
"My son's education fees make up the largest part of our expenses," said Yang Hailing. In order to foster the best education for her son, she made a "donation" of 40,000 yuan to a famous kindergarten, to ensure her son was on the school's roster. |
擇校造成了什么后果?調查顯示,72.4%的人首選“給普通家庭帶來沉重負擔”,64.8%的人認為“導致一些學校亂收費、高收費”,63.6%的人選擇“教育公平被架空”。 |
School choosing has placed a lot of pressure on parents. As the survey found, 72.4 percent of people feel education fees are a heavy burden to ordinary families; 64.8 percent believe the fees will result in illegal practices at some schools; and 63.6 percent think the education system is losing its fairness. |
廈門大學教育研究院鄭若玲教授認為,擇校帶來的最嚴重后果是教育不公,有錢有權的家庭不愁擇校,普通家庭的孩子接受優質教育的機會越來越少。“擇校對孩子的成長也很不利,從小耳濡目染這樣的事,他們將來會用怎樣的方式為人處世?” |
According to Zheng Ruoling, a professor of the Educational Research Center at Xiamen University, the worst effect of parents choosing schools is the unfairness of education: children in rich and powerful families have little difficulty getting accepted to good schools, while children in ordinary families have less and less access to a good education. "Additionally, it will leave a negative impact on the children. What kind of people will they grow up into if they get accustomed to this phenomenon in childhood?" Zheng said. |
在任寶菊看來,大部分家長擇校是為了“應試”,沒想過孩子需要受什么樣的教育,高強度的培訓讓孩子只會考試,只想知道答案,不愿思考,這對他們一生都有害。 |
For Ren Baoju, most parents choose schools only in an attempt to ensure their children can go to a good college in the future. They don't have a thorough understanding of what kind of education their children need. The tough trainings will make the children result-oriented and cause them to lose the habit of thinking, which will have a bad impact on their entire life. |
怎樣解決擇校問題:徹底取消各種名義的擇校費 |
"School-choosing fee" should be abolished |
調查中,71.5%的人認為出現普遍擇校現象首先應歸咎于“地方教育主管部門”,68.5%的人認為國家教育主管部門也應該對此負責,40.3%的人認為責任在“學校”,24.8%的人認為“家長”也有責任。 |
In the survey about who should be responsible for the popularity of choosing schools, 71.5 percent of the respondents chose "local education department;" 68.5 percent chose "national education authority;" 40.3 percent chose "schools;" and 24.8 percent chose "parents." |