據美國《僑報》報道,在紐約市當地時間3日舉行的普選中,華人參政取得豐碩成果,三名華人為紐約華人參政史寫下濃墨重彩的一頁:劉醇逸當選為紐約市審計長,成為紐約市有史以來首位全市性的華裔民選官員;陳倩雯成為紐約華埠第一位市議員;顧雅明獲得有“第二華埠”之稱的法拉盛市議員席位。 |
Three Chinese Americans won their races in the election held on November 3 in New York City, according to Qiaobao, a Chinese-language newspaper in New York. The three are: John Liu (Liu Chunyi), the first Asian-American elected to a citywide office in NYC; Margaret Chin (Chin Qianwen), the first Chinese American female elected to New York City’s City Council; and Gu Yaming, elected to the City Council from Flushing, the second largest Chinatown in NYC. |
而在萬眾矚目的市長選舉中,現任市長彭博僅以5%(51%比46%)的微弱優勢擊敗民主黨挑戰者湯信,獲得連任,贏得非常不易。 |
Also in the citywide elections, incumbent New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg was re-elected with a five percent advantage (51 percent to 46 percent), over his Democratic challenger Bill Thompson. The victory was not achieved easily. |
民主黨候選人劉醇逸以76%的得票輕取共和黨對手,榮登紐約市審計長寶座。審計長是紐約市僅次于市長和公益倡導人的全市性公職。 |
Democrat Liu trounced his Republican opponent to become comptroller, winning 76 percent of the vote. The comptroller, or city auditor, ranks third among city officials, only after mayor and public advocator. |
在華埠市議員選戰中,民主黨候選人陳倩雯以86%的高票輕騎過關,贏得勝利,從而填補了紐約華埠開埠150多年來沒有華裔市議員的空白,創造紐約華人參政的又一歷史。她同時也成為紐約市的首位亞裔女市議員。 |
Chin won the congressional contest with 86 percent of the vote. After more than 150 years, she is the first Chinese American female elected from Chinatown to serve on the City Council. |
法拉盛的市議員選戰在兩名華裔候選人中展開,選戰異常激烈。最終,共和黨候選人顧雅明以50%的選票擊敗民主黨候選人周燕霞(45%),在民主黨地盤上獲得勝利,奪得市議員席位。 |
The City Council seat in Flushing, Queens, was fierce between two Chinese Americans—Republican Gu Yaming and Democrat Zhou Yanxia. Despite Flushing being dominated by Democrats, Gu won the election with 50 percent of the vote, compared to Zhou’s 45 percent. |
由于陳倩雯和顧雅明的勝選,紐約市的華裔市議員席位從目前的一席增加至兩席位。 (中國新聞網) |
Seats held by Chinese Americans on the New York City Council have now increased from one to two.
(China.org.cn translated by Wu Jin) |