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A Christmas Carol

片名:A Christmas Carol
導演:羅伯特·澤米吉斯(Robert Zemeckis
作者:查爾斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens
編劇:羅伯特·澤米吉斯(Robert Zemeckis
主演:金·凱瑞(Jim Carrey
   加里·奧德曼(Gary Oldman
      加利·艾爾維斯(Cary Elwes
      科林·費爾斯(Colin Firth
      鮑勃·霍斯金斯(Bob Hoskins
      羅賓·懷特·潘(Robin Wright Penn
      達里爾·沙巴拉(Daryl Sabara
語言: 英語


The Story

On Christmas Eve in Victorian England, Ebenezer Scrooge, a bitter and miserly old moneylender, holds everything that embodies the joys and spirit of Christmas in contempt, refusing to visit his cheerful nephew Fred's Christmas dinner party with his family, and forcing his underpaid employee Bob Cratchit to beg to take the day off for his own family. That night, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former business partner, Jacob Marley, who had died seven years prior on Christmas Eve and is now forced to spend his afterlife carrying heavy chains forged from his own greedy ways. Marley warns Scrooge that he will suffer an even worse fate if he doesn't repent, and foretells that he will be haunted by three spirits that will help guide him. 圣誕前夕,在維多利亞時代的英國,有一個刻薄、吝嗇的老放債人艾柏納澤·斯克魯奇(Ebenezer Scrooge)。他對一切體現圣誕精神的歡慶活動都嗤之以鼻:外甥弗瑞德(Fred)邀請他到家里共享圣誕晚餐,卻遭到了拒絕;雇員鮑勃·克拉特基特(Bob Cratchit)薪水低廉,為了能跟家人過節,還不得不苦苦哀求Scrooge圣誕節放他一天假。那天晚上,他以前的生意伙伴雅各布·馬利(Jacob Marley)的靈魂拜訪了ScroogeMarley死在七年前的圣誕前夕,現在被迫拖著由他生前的貪婪所鍛造的沉重枷鎖來度過他在陰府的生活。Marley告誡Scrooge,如果他還不悔改,下場會更凄慘;并提前告知他,今晚會有三個精靈到訪,他們可以幫助他得到救贖。
The first spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Past, shows Scrooge visions of his own past that take place on or around the Christmas season, reminding him of how he ended up the greedy man he is now. He had spent much of his childhood neglected by his father over the holidays at boarding school until he was finally brought home by his loving sister Fan, who died prematurely after giving birth to his nephew Fred. Scrooge later began a successful career in business and moneylending and became engaged to a woman named Belle, though she later called off the engagement when he began to grow obsessed with accumulating his own wealth. Unable to bear having to witness these events again, Scrooge extinguishes the spirit. 首先來訪的是“過去圣誕之靈”,他給Scrooge重現了往年圣誕前后他經歷的一些事情,讓Scrooge意識到他最終是怎樣變成現在這般貪婪的。小時候他大部分時間都是在寄宿學校度過的,即使在節假日,父親都對他不聞不問,直到他富有愛心的妹妹Fan把他接回了家。可是,Fan在生下Fred后不幸早逝。Scrooge后來經營生意和放債業務,做得很成功,并和Belle訂了婚。然而,Scrooge越來越迷戀于聚積財富,Belle只好跟他取消了婚約。Scrooge無法忍受這過去的一幕幕再度重現,趕走了精靈。
The second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, shows Scrooge the happiness of his fellow men on Christmas day. Among them are his nephew Fred, who playfully makes jokes with his family at Scrooge's expense, and Bob Cratchit and his family, who are just barely able to make do with what little pay Scrooge gives Cratchit. The Cratchits also tend to a sickly young son, Tiny Tim, whose commitment to the spirit of Christmas touches Scrooge, who is dismayed to learn from the spirit that he may not have much longer to live. Before the spirit vanishes, it warns Scrooge about the evils of Ignorance and Want, showing them as terrifying, uncivilized children doomed to grow into savage, despicable individuals. 接著到來的是“現在圣誕之靈”,他帶著Scrooge去感受圣誕節身邊人的歡樂。外甥Fred在和家人一起快樂地說著Scrooge的笑話;Bob Cratchit一家靠著Scrooge付給Cratchit的微薄工資勉強過著節,夫婦倆還在照料年幼的兒子Tiny Tim,他生病了,可他對圣誕精神的執著深深打動了Scrooge。通過這個精靈,Scrooge很沮喪地意識到自己或許活不了多久了。精靈消失之前,還帶著Scrooge看了兩個孩子“無知”(Ignorance)和“貪婪”(Want)的不幸,以此告誡他:可怕、野蠻的孩子長大了注定會很殘暴、很卑劣。
The third and final spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, shows Scrooge the final consequences of his greed. Tiny Tim has died, leaving the Cratchits to mourn him on Christmas. Scrooge has also died, though there is more comfort than grief in the wake of his funeral. In addition, Fred finds benefit from inheriting his wealth, and Scrooge is even robbed by his former maid. Unwilling to let this grim future come to pass, Scrooge begs to be given a second chance as the spirit forces him into his deep and empty grave leading all the way to Hell. “將來圣誕之靈”是第三個也是最后一個來訪的精靈,在他的引領下,Scrooge看到了貪婪帶給自己的最終下場。Tiny Tim死了,圣誕節留給Cratchit一家的只有悲痛。Scrooge也死了,只是緊隨葬禮之后,留下更多的是安慰而不是悲傷。另外,Fred繼承了他的財富并從中獲益,而死去的Scrooge甚至遭到他前女仆的盜劫。精靈逼迫著Scrooge進入他那深而空的墳墓,那個通往地獄的墓穴,Scrooge實在不愿這可怕的將來變成現實,于是他懇求精靈再給自己一次機會。
Scrooge awakens to find himself in his bed on Christmas morning, the three spirits having guided him over the course of one night, and immediately sets out to atone for his sins, making donations to the poor, attending Fred's dinner party, and giving Cratchit a raise to care for his family, allowing Tiny Tim to live. Scrooge spends the remainder of his life a new man embodying the spirit of Christmas itself.

圣誕節的早上,Scrooge醒來發現自己躺在床上。在經歷整個晚上這三個精靈的引領之后,他立馬開始行動為自己贖罪:給窮人捐錢,參加Fred一家的圣誕晚餐,給Cratchit加薪以照料全家,使得Tiny Tim活了下來。Scrooge就像換了一個全新的人一樣,在自己的余生中親身實踐著圣誕精神的真諦。

China.org.cn 汪瑋 譯)

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