Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. 2012 is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.
歷史上從來沒有哪一個日子如此重要,對于不同的文化、宗教、科學家和政府來說都意味深長。影片《2012年》是一個發生在世界末日的史詩般的冒險故事,它講述了面對全球性大災難,幸存者們如何英勇地進行抗爭。 |
Things get rolling in 2009, as an Indian scientist has made a mysterious but alarming discovery: it seems that there have been usually severe storms on the surface of the sun, which are having a grave effect on earth. By 2010 the US President is aware of what is happening, and calls a private meeting with seven other prominent world leaders at the G8 summit in Spain. What he has to tell them is that the world’s top scientists have confirmed that the world will soon come to an end. |
事情的開端是在2009年。一位印度科學家發現了一個神秘卻驚人的事實,太陽表面似乎經常爆發強烈的風暴,而這現象正對地球產生嚴重的影響。到了2010年,美國總統也獲知這一事實。在西班牙召開八國集團峰會期間,他召集另外七個世界大國的領導人進行了一次私下會談。他不得不告訴他們:世界頂尖的科學家們已經證實,世界即將毀滅。 |
Finally we reach the titular year 2012. By now, signs of impending doom have been steadily accumulating. The west coast is beset with so-called “mini quakes,” and fissures randomly appear in the earth. Nevertheless, people are going about their daily lives as usual, oblivious to the doom in store. We are introduced to Jackson Curtis, chauffer and aspiring novelist, who is rushing to pick up his two young children from ex-wife’s house in Los Angeles so he can take them on a camping trip in Yellowstone National Park. |
時間終于來到片名所顯示的2012年。到了這個時候,末日將臨的征兆一個個浮現。美國西海岸頻繁爆發所謂的“迷你地震”,毫無規律的地裂現象隨處發生。盡管如此,人們的生活還是一如既往,他們對即將到來的末日一無所知。故事進展到這里,一個叫做Jackson Curtis的人物出現了。他是一個汽車司機,卻雄心勃勃地堅持寫小說。他正趕去位于洛杉磯的前妻家里接兩個年幼的孩子到黃石國家公園露營。 |
Jackson and the kids arrive at Yellowstone to discover that the military and teams of government scientists have taken over sections of the park for reasons they cannot fully reveal. |
在黃石公園,Jackson和孩子們發現,軍隊和一群為政府工作的科學家接管了公園的某些區域,原因不明。 |
It appears that things are progressing faster than anyone anticipated, and we get our first inkling of what it is that world leaders are planning to do about it; they, along with select wealthy elite from across the globe, will board specially built ships that can weather nature’s wrath. Everyone else will be left to perish and the people from the ships will be left to rebuild civilization and repopulate the planet. |
形勢發展的速度似乎超出所有人的預料,我們也模糊地察覺到了世界大國首腦們的如意算盤。他們打算和挑選出的全球財富精英們登上特制的艦船挺過這一次大自然的憤怒。其他所有人都將被留下面臨毀滅,而船上的人則會幸存下來繁衍生息,重建文明。 |
Jackson, of course, is not one of those chosen to be saved, but he doesn't know that so he does his best to convince his ex-wife, their two kids, and his ex-wife's new plastic surgeon boyfriend they need to get onboard a plane and get the heck out of Dodge.
( 李瀟 譯)