2012 combines elements of The Poseidon Adventure, Earthquake, Titanic, Volcano and half a dozen other disaster films into one, huge, 158 minute assault on your brain. Analyzing the story, dissecting the dialogue, figuring out the logistics of how everything fit together and how all these strangers managed to be only one degree of separation from each other -- despite not having anything in common -- is a useless, futile effort. 2012 is what it is: a disaster epic with a monstrous effects budget in which character development comes secondary.
By Rebecca Murray
The involving story and interesting characters help this movie keep its strong pacing; however, one unaccredited character that ties everything together is the world and its destruction. The CGI used in 2012 are fantastic, and look incredibly realistic. The scenes where the roads are splitting in two or tsunami waves are crashing through cities make you hold onto the edge of your seat, and the daring escapes will leave you holding your breath.
By Brendan Campbell