五、雙方領導人肯定中歐伙伴合作協定談判/完善1985年中歐經貿合作協定談判取得的進展,鼓勵工作層加速談判,爭取早日達成一致。 |
5. Leaders commended the progress in the negotiations on the EU-China Partnership Cooperation Agreement/updating the 1985 EEC-China Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement. They encouraged the competent authorities to speed up the negotiations for an early conclusion. |
六、歐盟重申堅持一個中國政策,支持兩岸關系和平發展。 |
6. The EU reaffirmed its commitment to one China policy and supported peaceful development in the relations across the Taiwan Straits. |
七、雙方重申堅持防擴散和裁軍等領域的國際條約體系,同意在裁談會等有關國際會議中開展建設性合作。雙方特別強調《全面禁止核試驗條約》早日生效的重要性。雙方堅決反對一切形式的恐怖主義,認為任何防止和打擊恐怖主義的措施都必須遵守國際法規定的義務。雙方同意加強防擴散和反恐等專題對話。 |
7. The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to the international treaty system such as in the field of non-proliferation and disarmament. China and the EU agreed to work together constructively in relevant international fora, including the Conference on Disarmament. In particular, the two sides stressed the importance of the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Both sides firmly opposed all forms of terrorism and recognized that any measures undertaken to prevent and combat terrorism must comply with obligations under international law. They agreed to strengthen the dialogue on thematic issues such as non-proliferation and anti-terrorism. |
八、雙方強調致力于促進和保護人權,推進法治建設,在平等和相互尊重的基礎上,加強在人權領域的對話與合作。雙方高度重視中歐人權對話,包括配套的司法研討會,愿共同努力推動對話不斷取得切實進展。歐盟歡迎中國承諾盡早批準《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》。雙方確認將與聯合國人權機制開展合作。 |
8. The two sides emphasized their commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule of law, and the strengthening of dialogue and cooperation in the field of human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect. They placed a high value on the EU-China human rights dialogue, including the accompanying legal seminar, and expressed their readiness to work together for constant progress on the ground. The EU welcomed China’s commitment to ratifying the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) as soon as possible. Both sides confirmed their commitment to cooperate with UN human rights mechanisms. |
九、雙方認為氣候變化是當今國際社會面臨的最重大挑戰之一,需立即采取合作行動加以應對,同意進一步加強該領域的務實合作。雙方將按照《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》、《京都議定書》和“巴厘路線圖”的要求,在“共同但有區別的責任”原則基礎上,同國際社會一道推動2009年12月在哥本哈根舉行的聯合國氣候變化會議達成全面、公平和具有雄心的結果。 |
9. The two sides shared the view that climate change is one of the most important global challenges of our time which demands urgent and cooperative action, and agreed to further strengthen cooperation in this field. They will, consistent with the provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Roadmap, work together with other parties for a comprehensive, fair and ambitious outcome at the UN Climate Change Conference in December 2009 in Copenhagen, in line with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. |
雙方認為,發達國家大幅提高對發展中國家的資金支持,并就向發展中國家轉讓技術做出安排,將是哥本哈根會議的重要成果。雙方強調,發達國家承擔具有雄心的、透明的溫室氣體減排指標,發展中國家在發達國家資金、技術和能力建設支持下采取適當國內減緩行動,以促進向低碳經濟轉型,對進一步致力于應對氣候變化至關重要。 |
The two sides believed that substantially scaled up financial support by developed countries and arrangements to promote technology dissemination in and transfer to developing countries will be an important outcome in Copenhagen. The two sides stressed that ambitious and transparent emission reduction targets by developed countries, and nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing countries, with a view to promoting the transition to a low carbon economy, supported and enabled by financing, technology and capacity building from developed countries, are crucial to furthering the efforts to address climate change. |
歐方歡迎并贊賞中方決定設立限制碳排放強度的國內量化行動目標,以及其他數字目標和政策措施,為應對氣候變化作出貢獻。 |
The EU welcomed and appreciates the decision by China to set quantified national targets to limit the carbon intensity of its economy, as well as other numerical targets and policy measures as a contribution to address climate change.
中方歡迎并贊賞歐方在應對氣候變化方面已經發揮的引領作用和作出的很大努力。 |
China welcomed and appreciates the leading role and great efforts of the EU in addressing climate change. |
十、雙方肯定中歐在氣候變化領域開展的全面合作,同意通過加強協調與合作進一步落實《中歐氣候變化聯合宣言》,并同意提升氣候變化伙伴關系。雙方將在伙伴關系框架下,強化氣候變化領域的政策對話和務實合作,包括但不限于可再生能源、能效、氣候友好技術的聯合開發、示范與轉讓、可持續城市發展、能力建設和區域合作,以促進伙伴關系不斷向前發展。雙方認識到,向低碳經濟過渡是實現可持續發展的重要途徑。 |
10. The two sides recognized the comprehensive cooperation in the field of climate change between the EU and China, and agreed to enhance coordination and cooperation to further implement the EU-China Joint Declaration on Climate Change, and agreed to upgrade the current Partnership on Climate Change. They will under the framework of the Partnership, intensify policy dialogues and practical cooperation on climate change, including but not limited to renewable energy, energy efficiency, joint development, demonstration and transfer of climate-friendly technologies, sustainable urban development, capacity building and regional cooperation, so as to promote continuous development of the Partnership. The two sides recognized that transition to low-carbon economy is an important way to achieve sustainable development. |