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Joint Statement of the 12th EU-China Summit

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (3rd R), European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso (1st R) and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt (2nd R), whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, visit an exhibition on the achievements of cooperation between Jiangsu of China and Europe, after the 12th China-EU summit in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, Nov. 30, 2009. [Rao Aimin/Xinhua]
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (3rd R), European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso (1st R) and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt (2nd R), whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, visit an exhibition on the achievements of cooperation between Jiangsu of China and Europe, after the 12th China-EU summit in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, Nov. 30, 2009. [Rao Aimin/Xinhua]

十七、雙方領導人決心努力于2010年完成關于多哈發展議程的談判,達成有雄心、全面和平衡的協議。雙方認為應根據多哈回合授權及在包括有關模式在內的進展基礎上結束多哈回合談判。雙方呼吁世界貿易組織(WTO)全體成員共同努力,以在2010年前結束多哈回合談判。 17. Leaders expressed their determination to work to conclude in 2010 the negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda and their commitment to an ambitious, comprehensive and balanced agreement. They believe that closure of the Doha Round should take place in consistency with its mandate and on the basis of progress already made, including with regard to modalities, and call on all WTO Members to work unitedly to close the Round in 2010.
十八、雙方重申致力于中歐高層經貿對話,并認為對話的戰略性、前瞻性和規劃性有助于推動雙方經貿關系。高層經貿對話為現有的雙邊經濟對話和機制注入強大政治動力,促進其尋求具體措施推動貿易和投資的平衡發展。中國和歐盟認為,采取各種途徑促進經濟開放非常重要,同意改善雙邊關系和各自經濟確保開放、穩定和可預測的環境,以創造新的商機。中國和歐盟將努力為中小企業貿易和投資提供便利,尋求在包括貿易融資和技術貿易在內的其他領域合作的可能性。在走向綠色經濟發展過程中,雙方將共同努力促進由此帶來的貿易和投資機會。在此背景下,雙方對第五屆中歐工商峰會的召開并以“綠色經濟、持續增長”為主題表示歡迎。 18. Leaders also reaffirmed their commitment to the High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue (HED) and acknowledged that the HED is conducive to advancing their economic and trade relations in a strategic, forward-looking and plan-setting manner. The HED gives a strong political impetus to existing bilateral economic dialogues and mechanisms and encourages them to seek concrete means to advance trade and investment in a balanced way. The EU and China agreed on the importance of using all avenues to expand economic openness and reform in their bilateral relationship and in their respective economies to ensure an open, stable and predictable environment, with a view to creating new business opportunities. The EU and China will seek to facilitate trade and investment among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and explore possibilities of cooperation in other areas, including on trade finance and technology trade. Both sides will work together to enhance trade and investment opportunities arising from the move towards a green economy. In this context, both sides welcomed the 5th EU-China Business Summit and its focus on the “Green Agenda: Sustaining Growth Beyond Recovery".
十九、中歐同意在對外資企業透明和非歧視的基礎上,努力刺激需求。雙方認為公開、非歧視的政府采購政策很重要,同意加大力度,增進雙方在此領域的交流。歐盟表示支持中國努力加入世界貿易組織《政府采購協定》,鼓勵中國準備改進出價清單。 19. The EU and China agreed that efforts to stimulate demand should be based on transparency and non-discrimination of foreign invested enterprises. They recognized the importance of open and non-discriminatory government procurement policies and agreed to pursue efforts to increase exchanges in this field. The EU expressed support to China's efforts to accede to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and encouraged China in its preparation of a revised offer.
二十、雙方領導人認為需要建立一個積極、執法有效和運作良好的知識產權保護體系,推動經濟持續發展。雙方領導人致力于就知識產權保護加強合作,歡迎啟動中歐地理標識雙邊合作協定的談判。 20. Leaders acknowledged the need for a robust, efficiently enforced and well-functioning IPR system for continued economic development. They committed to step up their cooperation on intellectual property rights. Leaders also welcomed the launch of negotiations on a EU-China Geographical Indications bilateral cooperation agreement.
二十一、雙方領導人討論了市場經濟地位這一重要的政治議題。雙方期待盡早更新上一份市場經濟地位報告。雙方領導人認為,中方在符合尚未解決的技術標準方面取得了重要進展,為此,歡迎啟動關于中國會計標準執行情況的研究。 21. Leaders discussed the politically important issue of Market Economy Status (MES). Both sides look forward to the timely update of the last MES report and recognize the important progress already made by China for the outstanding technical criteria. To that effect, they welcome the launch of a study on the implementation of accounting standards in China.
二十二、雙方對11月“中歐戰略伙伴關系研討會”在北京成功舉行表示歡迎。中國歡迎歐盟積極參加2010年上海世博會。 22. Leaders also welcomed the Forum on EU-China Strategic Partnership successfully held in Beijing in November. China welcomed the strong participation of the EU in Shanghai Expo 2010.
二十三、雙方積極評價中歐在科技、人員往來、教育、文化、海關、衛生、應急管理等各領域開展富有成效的交流與合作,并對會晤相關配套活動以及會晤期間簽署有關合作協議和備忘錄表示歡迎和滿意(附件1)。 23. Leaders praised the fruitful exchanges and cooperation between the EU and China in a wide range of areas such as science and technology, people-to-people contacts, education, culture, customs, health and emergency management. Leaders welcomed with satisfaction the signing of the agreements and memoranda of cooperation (Annex 1).
二十四、雙方同意加強各領域交流與合作,決定: 24. The two sides agreed to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields and decided:

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