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“中國網”杯時事知識競賽成功舉行 北京師范大學奪冠
Beijing Normal University wins China.org.cn Current Affairs Contest

Contestants prepare to answer questions during the China.org.cn Current Affairs Contest at China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, April 7, 2010. [China.org.cn]

Contestants prepare to answer questions during the China.org.cn Current Affairs Contest at China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, April 7, 2010. [China.org.cn]

2010年“中國網”杯時事知識競賽于4月7日在京舉行。在六所參賽學校中,北京師范大學代表隊脫穎而出,贏得冠軍,充分展示了該校學生出色的辯論能力以及面對國際重大事件的分析能力。 Beijing Normal University is the 2010 champion for China.org.cn's Current Affairs Contest. Competing against five other schools in Beijing on April 7, the school's team proved its ability to debate and analyze international events.
此次比賽由外交學院團委時事研究會主辦,并邀請到來自北京大學、中國人民大學、北京師范大學、國際關系學院、中國政法大學的優秀選手同外交學院代表隊進行時事知識的比拼。 The contest was organized by the Current Affairs Research Society under the leadership of the Youth League Committee at China Foreign Affairs University. Delegates from Peking University, the People's University of China, Beijing Normal University, the University of International Relations, and China University of Political Science and Law were invited to participate.
最終,主辦方外交學院與國際關系學院榮獲二等獎,北京大學、中國人民大學、中國政法大學喜獲三等獎。 The host team, China Foreign Affairs University, tied for second place with the University of International Relations. Peking University, the People's University of China, and China University of Political Science and Law tied for third.
本次比賽還榮幸的邀請到前駐APEC高官王嵎生,前駐文萊大使劉新生擔任此次比賽的嘉賓。 Students competed as former APEC senior official Wang Yusheng and former ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Liu Xinsheng watched as distinguished guests.

Initiated in 2005, the Current Affairs Contest aims to enhance the proficiency of undergraduate students and foster their abilities to observe world events. The contest consists of four sections, including a debate portion that allows for comments from the audience.

(China.org.cn by?Gong Jie, April 12, 2010)

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