A recent ruling banning the use of English acronyms in Chinese news reporting raised a storm among Chinese netizens; but some voices in the Beijing media welcome curbs on the use of foreign words. |
近日,有關中文新聞報道中要避免使用英語縮略語的消息在中國網民中掀起了軒然大波;不過,在京媒體對此舉紛紛表示贊同。 |
Fu Zhenguo, director of the Science and Education Section of the People's Daily Overseas Edition, said, "We object to directly inserting English spellings and acronyms into Chinese sentences. They should be translated into Chinese." |
人民日報海外版教科文衛部主任傅振國表示:“我們反對的只是英語以字母的形式直接插入漢語,我們堅持的是將英語翻譯過來。” |
Yu Hong, section chief of the Languages & Words Applied Administration Department under the Ministry of Education, added that "English acronyms do not fit in with Chinese, either in spoken or written forms. We should enrich our language and national culture by devising Chinese versions." |
教育部國家語言文字應用管理司文字處處長于虹則認為“英語縮略詞的語音、書寫形式在中文中顯得另類。英文詞的漢化是必要的,這不僅可以豐富我們的語言文字,而且繁榮了自己的民族文化。” |
But Fu cautioned that the rules be applied sparingly. "Regulations on standards for spoken and written Chinese should only be applied to major institutions serving the national culture; everyday use of language will not be affected." |
但是,針對相關法規的實施,傅振國重申,“通用語言的規范化只限于國家文化的主陣地,并不干涉公民的自由言論行為。” |
Fu was addressing a seminar held on April 14 in Beijing to discuss the controversy over new rules designed to protect the Chinese language. |
4月14日在北京舉行的“規范外來語譯名 創造和諧語言環境”媒體負責人座談會上,傅振國發表了自己的觀點。 |
A heated debate has been underway since China Central Television (CCTV) and Beijing Television (BTV) told China Daily that they had been ordered by a government department to avoid English abbreviations in their Chinese programs. |
日前,中央電視臺和北京電視臺對《中國日報》表示,它們已經收到某政府部門的通知,要求在中文節目中避免使用某些英語縮略語。消息傳出以來,爭議不斷。 |