A two-year-old toddler was run over by two vans and mortally wounded, after which 18 people passed her indifferently in Guangdong Province, China Daily reported. |
據《中國日報》報道,廣東省一名兩歲女童先后遭兩輛汽車碾壓而過,生命垂危,而此后經過她身邊的18名路人竟無一出手救助。 |
Footage from a surveillance camera presented on local TV shows Yue Yue was walking in a hardware market in Foshan, Guangdong province, on last Thursday, about 100 meters away from her home, when she was run over by a van at 5:26 pm. Three passers-by who noticed the injured girl chose to ignore her. |
當地電視臺播出了監視攝像頭錄下的一段視頻。錄像顯示上周四下午5:26分,家住廣東省佛山市的小女孩悅悅在離家約100米的五金市場里行走時被一輛面包車撞倒并碾壓而過。三名路人注意到了受傷的女童,但是選擇不聞不問。 |
The girl was then run over by a light-duty truck. The riders of four electric bicycles, a tricycle and three passers-by all chose to ignore her and no one at a shop close to the scene came to her aid. |
女童不久之后又被一輛輕型貨車碾過。此后共有四名摩托車駕駛員、一位三輪車駕駛員和三名路人漠然經過,見死不救;事發現場附近的商店里也無人伸出援手。 |
Seven minutes after she was first hit by the van, a 57-year-old rag collector noticed the girl and moved her to the curb. The woman then tried talking to the shopkeeper but received no response. She then walked into the street and a few seconds later, the girl's mother appears and rushes away with the girl. |
距離悅悅第一次被撞七分鐘后,一個拾撿垃圾的57歲阿婆發現了小女孩并把她抱到路邊。阿婆嘗試與鄰近的店主溝通,但是店主不做回應。她于是走到了街上,很快女孩的母親出現,抱著女兒飛奔而去。 |
The girl received emergency surgery in Foshan before being transferred to the General Hospital of the Guangzhou Military Command of the People's Liberation Army in Guangzhou on the same day. |
悅悅在佛山市接受緊急手術后,當天便轉到了廣州軍區總醫院。 |
The girl was critically injured, with no spontaneous respiration and close to brain death when she arrived at the hospital, said Wen Qiang, deputy director of the intensive care unit of the hospital. |
該院重癥監護室副主任文強介紹說,悅悅送到醫院的時候傷勢嚴重,無法自主呼吸,瀕臨腦死亡。 |
The girl was recovering better than doctors expected on Monday, with slight feelings returning to her limbs. But she still couldn't breathe on her own and was under critical care in the intensive care unit, Shanghai Daily reported. |
據《上海日報》報道,本周一悅悅的病情有穩定的傾向,四肢恢復了輕微知覺,這比醫生們預期的要好。但她仍然無法自主呼吸,仍需在重癥監護室中接受危重病癥護理。 |