On June 7, 2011, a thousand students gathered outside the gate of Hanyin Middle School for the national college entrance examination. With the blow of a whistle, the gate opened and students entered the school grounds on a specifically-prepared red carpet. |
2011年6月7日,在漢陰中學考點門口聚集了千余名高考生。一聲哨響,校門打開,考生陸續踏上學校特意鋪設的紅地毯。 |
Among them, Li Wei, a 1.2-meter-tall boy attracted the most attention. He is wearing shoes but actually having no feet. With unimaginable perseverance, Li Wei walked on his knees all the way to the examination room. |
在他們當中,一個只有1.2米高的考生引人注目。他叫李衛,穿著鞋子卻沒有腳,憑著我們難以想象的毅力,跪行走入考場。 |
Twenty-one years ago, Li Wei was born to a poor rural family in Puxi Township, Hanyin County, Shaanxi Province. His birth brought great happiness to the family. However, their hopes were almost shattered by a brutal accident several years later. |
21年前,李衛出生在陜西省漢陰縣蒲溪鎮一個貧窮的農村家庭,他的降臨為家庭帶來了歡樂。然而,一切都被幾年后的一場車禍無情地打碎了。 |
On April 2, 1994, three-year-old Li Wei was having fun with friends by the road, when a speeding truck struck him. Caught under the wheel, his legs could not be saved, and were amputated in the hospital. His life has changed since then. Without feet, he had to spend most of his time getting around his hands and knees. |
1994年4月2日,3歲的李衛和伙伴在路邊玩耍,在毫無征兆的情況下,一輛疾馳的卡車將李衛卷入車輪下。雙腿被截肢,他的人生從此拐入另一個軌道。沒有了雙腳,李衛大部分時間都在地上爬著度過。 |
At the age of seven, Li Wei was at first refused by primary schools. After repeated efforts of his parents and with the help of the county education bureau, Li Wei finally was admitted to the classroom, only two months after the beginning of a new semester. |
到了7歲,沒有學校愿意接收李衛。父母不斷求助,在縣教育局的協調下,李衛終于坐進了教室,只是比別的孩子遲了近兩個月。 |
For the first three years, Li's parents carried him on their back to school. However, one day, they were so busy with farm work that they left him at home. The unyielding 10-year-old insisted on crawling to school. He spent more than one hour making the one-kilometer journey crawling on his hands and knees. After several tries, he began to use his knees as feet and kneel to move. |
頭三年里,都是父母輪流背著李衛上下學。有一次逢農忙搶收,父母實在沒時間接送他,就讓他呆在家里。當時10歲的李衛很倔強,硬是從家里爬到了學校,近千米的路途,他爬了一個多小時。這樣幾趟爬行后,他嘗試用膝蓋當腳,跪在地上向前走。 |
Within days, Li's trousers were worn out and both knees were scarred and bleeding. To aide his walking, Li's father outfitted Li's knees with rubber shoes tied around his thighs. From that day on, Li started walking to school every day. |
幾天下來,褲子磨破了,雙膝磨爛了。在父親的幫助下,李衛找了雙膠鞋將膝蓋塞進去,用鞋帶綁在大腿上。自那之后,李衛開始跪行求學之路。 |