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Report on China's economic, social development plan (2014)

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-03-17
二、2014年經濟社會發展的總體要求、主要目標和政策取向 II. General Requirements and Major Targets and Policies for Economic and Social Development in 2014
2014年是全面深化改革的第一年,也是完成“十二五”規劃目標任務的關鍵一年。要全面貫徹落實黨的十八大和十八屆二中、三中全會精神,按照黨中央、國務院決策部署,堅持穩中求進工作總基調,把改革創新貫穿于經濟社會發展各個領域各個環節,保持宏觀經濟政策連續性和穩定性,著力激發市場活力,加快轉方式調結構,加強基本公共服務體系建設,著力保障和改善民生,切實提高經濟發展質量和效益,促進經濟持續健康發展、社會和諧穩定。 The year 2014 is the first year for implementing the decision of the CPC Central Committee to comprehensively deepen reform and a crucial year for fulfilling the targets and tasks set in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. We need to thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the Eighteenth National Party Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee, accord with the policy decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to the general work principle of making progress while maintaining stability, carry out reform and innovation in all areas of economic and social development, maintain continuity and stability in our macroeconomic policy, strive to invigorate the market, accelerate the shift in the growth model and structural adjustment, intensify development of the basic public services system, work hard to ensure and improve people's wellbeing, genuinely raise the quality and returns of economic development, and promote sustained, sound economic growth and social harmony and stability.
按照上述總體要求,綜合考慮需要和可能,提出2014年經濟社會發展的主要預期目標: In view of these requirements and after consideration of what is needed versus what is possible, we have set the following main targets for economic and social development in 2014.
——保持經濟合理增長。國內生產總值預期增長7.5%左右。這是統籌考慮抓改革、促調整、惠民生、防風險等各方面因素確定的。一方面,發展仍是解決我國所有問題的關鍵,推進經濟結構調整、穩定和擴大就業、保障和改善民生都需要合理的速度,進一步減少貧困、實現全面建成小康社會目標,更要靠發展。另一方面,今年穩增長的有利條件不少,全面深化改革將進一步激發經濟發展動力和活力,穩增長政策措施的效應會持續顯現,消費、投資、外需均有一定支撐。同時,我國已經到了加快轉變經濟發展方式的關鍵階段,轉型升級的任務很重,速度也不宜定得過高。7.5%左右是一個經濟增長的預期目標,是彈性的、引導性的,各地應根據自身實際,合理確定增長速度,決不能搞層層加碼和盲目攀比。 - Keeping economic growth within a proper range. GDP is projected to grow by around 7.5%. This target has been set on the basis of overall consideration of the need to implement reform, promote adjustment, improve people's wellbeing, and guard against risks. On the one hand, development still holds the key to solving all our country's problems. To move economic structural adjustment forward, stabilize and increase employment and ensure and improve people's wellbeing, we must keep the economy growing within a reasonable range. We must rely on development even more to further reduce poverty and finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. On the other hand, there are quite a few favorable conditions for us to maintain steady growth this year. Our efforts to comprehensively deepen reform will give fresh impetus and vitality to economic development, policies and measures introduced earlier to keep growth stable will continue to have an effect, and consumption, investment and external demand will all provide support for our economic growth. At the same time, it is inappropriate to set a growth rate that is too high. China is now in a crucial stage of hastening the shift in the growth model and the job of industrial transformation and upgrading is heavy. The growth rate of around 7.5% is an economic growth target that is flexible and guiding. Local governments should properly set their own growth rates in line with their actual conditions, and must not seek faster growth or compete with each other to have the highest growth rate.
——注重提質增效升級。現代服務業加快發展,服務業增加值占國內生產總值的比重繼續提升。研發投入占國內生產總值的比例提高,傳統產業加快改造升級,戰略性新興產業健康發展。新型城鎮化有序推進,區域發展更趨協調。生態文明建設取得積極進展,單位國內生產總值能耗下降3.9%以上,單位國內生產總值二氧化碳排放量下降4%,二氧化硫、化學需氧量、氨氮排放量均下降2%,氮氧化物排放量下降5%,萬元工業增加值用水量下降5.2%。加快經濟轉型升級,是我們面臨的艱巨而緊迫的任務,決不能以犧牲結構和資源環境為代價換速度。提出上述組合目標,就是為了引導各方面把精力集中到優化產業結構、推進新型城鎮化、促進區域協調發展、加強生態文明建設上來,著力解決重大結構性問題,提高經濟發展的質量和效益。 - Focusing on raising the quality and returns of economic development and promoting industrial upgrading. We will accelerate development of modern service industries, and the share of value-added by the service sector in GDP will continue to rise. Our R&D spending will account for a higher proportion of GDP, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries will be accelerated, and strategic emerging industries will enjoy healthy development. A new type of urbanization will proceed in an orderly way, and development in different regions will become better balanced. Positive ecological progress will be made. Energy consumption per unit of GDP will drop more than 3.9%; carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will fall 4%; the emissions of sulfur dioxide, chemical oxygen demand, and ammoniacal nitrogen will all drop 2%, and nitrogen oxides emissions, 5%. Water consumption per 10,000 yuan of value-added of industry will decrease 5.2%. Accelerating economic transformation and upgrading is an onerous and pressing task facing us, and we must not sacrifice structural adjustment as well as natural resources and the environment for the sake of rapid growth. This combination of targets that has been put forward will guide all sectors to channel their energy into improving the industrial structure, pressing ahead with a new type of urbanization, better balancing development in different regions, and promoting ecological advancement; to remove major structural barriers; and to improve the quality and returns of economic development.
——保持物價基本穩定。居民消費價格漲幅控制在3.5%左右。這一目標既考慮了各方面漲價因素和人民群眾的承受力,也為推進改革和調整結構留出了一定空間。一方面,當前我國總供給和總需求基本平衡,糧食連年增產,絕大多數產品供應充足,保持物價總水平基本穩定具備較好基礎和諸多有利條件。另一方面,今年物價仍面臨一定上漲壓力,既有上年的翹尾影響,也有新漲價因素,同時還要推進資源性產品價格改革,實現這一目標需要付出不小努力。 - Keeping prices basically stable. The rise in the CPI will be kept at about 3.5%. In setting this target, we have considered factors causing inflation and people' s ability to tolerate it, and have also left space for reform and structural adjustment. On the one hand, the present basic equilibrium between aggregate supply and aggregate demand, the year-to-year increases in grain output, and the ample supply of almost all products provide a good foundation and many beneficial conditions for keeping overall prices basically stable. On the other hand, there is some upward pressure on inflation this year, and there are both the carry-over effect of last year' s inflation and new factors causing inflation. At the same time, there is the need to move forward with the reform of prices of resource products. We will therefore need to work hard to attain this target.
——突出民生優先。城鎮新增就業1000萬人以上,城鎮登記失業率控制在4.6%以內,大城市調查失業率穩定在合理水平。城鄉居民收入增長與經濟增長基本同步。社會保障體系進一步健全?;竟卜站然^續推進。人口自然增長率控制在6.5‰以內。城鎮保障性安居工程住房基本建成480萬套、新開工700萬套以上。今年城鎮新增就業預期目標比去年增加100萬人,主要是為了更好地滿足城鎮新成長勞動力就業需要,適應今年高校畢業生繼續增加、就業壓力較大的現實。同時,隨著國內生產總值基數增大和服務業發展加快,每增長一個百分點帶動的就業數量增多,實現這樣的目標,也是有條件的。 - Giving high priority to improving people's wellbeing. More than ten million urban jobs will be added this year; the registered urban unemployment rate will be kept under 4.6%, and the survey-based unemployment rate in large cities will be kept at an appropriate level. Both urban and rural incomes will increase basically in step with economic growth. The social security system will be improved. Basic public services will be made more equally available. The natural population growth rate will be kept under 6.5 per thousand. Work on 4.8 million government-subsidized housing units will be basically completed in urban areas, and construction will begin on an additional seven million-plus units. This year' s target for urban job creation is one million more than last year mainly to better meet the needs of the urban workforce entering the job market for the first time and to respond to the fact that employment pressure will be considerable because more students will graduate from college this year. At the same time, we have the conditions to meet this target because as the GDP base increases and service sector growth speeds up, more jobs will be created with every percentage point growth in GDP.
——保持國際收支基本平衡。外貿進出口總額增長7.5%左右,服務貿易發展加快。對外投資持續擴大,利用外資總量保持穩定,結構進一步優化。促進進出口穩定增長政策效應的繼續發揮,有利于增強企業信心,保持外貿穩定增長。但同時,國際市場競爭加劇,投資和貿易保護主義明顯抬頭,出口形勢仍然十分嚴峻,鞏固和擴大外需面臨不小壓力。 - Maintaining basic balance in international payments. Total imports and exports will grow roughly 7.5%, and the trade in services will develop more rapidly. Overseas investment will increase steadily. Total foreign investment in China will remain stable and its structure will be improved. The policies for promoting steady import and export growth will continue to produce effects, which will help boost business confidence and maintain stable growth of foreign trade. However, at the same time, competition in the international market is escalating, investment and trade protectionism is clearly reasserting itself, and China's export situation remains grave. We are thus under considerable pressure to consolidate and expand external demand.
實現上述經濟社會發展預期目標,做好2014年經濟工作,核心是堅持穩中求進、改革創新。為此,要繼續實施積極的財政政策和穩健的貨幣政策,不斷完善調控方式和手段,增強調控的前瞻性、針對性、協同性。 To achieve these targets for economic and social development and do our economic work well in 2014, we must seek progress while ensuring stability and carry forward reform and innovation. To this end, we will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, constantly improve our methods and tools of macro control, and make controls more forward-looking, targeted and balanced.

We will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy. The national deficit for this year is projected to be 1.35 trillion yuan or 2.1% of GDP, an increase of 150 billion yuan over last year' s budget. Of this amount the central government deficit is 950 billion yuan, and the remaining 400 billion yuan is local government deficit in treasury bonds of the central government [xx please leave these xx alone for now]. Our policy priorities will be as follows:

First, we will improve the structural tax reduction policy by extending the trial of replacing business tax with VAT to more industries, extending preferential tax policies to more small businesses with low profits, and implementing fiscal and tax policies to encourage the development of annuities in business and industry retirement plans.

Second, we will improve the structure of expenditures. We will continue to focus on ensuring and improving people's wellbeing and give preferential treatment to agriculture, education, social security, health, environmental protection, and science and technology. We will strictly control our expenditures on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality to cut administrative costs.

Third, we will use additional capital well, seek greater returns on assets on hand, develop a mechanism for clearing carryover funds on a regular basis, and use funds more through overall planning.

Fourth, we will strengthen management of local government debt, move faster to create a mechanism for local governments to borrow money mainly through issuance of government bonds, and work to put in place standardized, proper mechanisms for managing central and local government debts and giving early warning against debt risks.


We will continue to implement a prudent monetary policy. M2 is forecast to grow at around 13% this year. Our policy priorities are:

First, we will apply a combination of monetary policy tools, strengthen macro-prudential management, guide steady and appropriate growth in the supply of money and credit and the aggregate financing to the real economy, maintain proper liquidity, and create a stable monetary and banking environment.

Second, we will improve the allocation of financial resources, make good use of both existing and additional financial resources, and speed up the turnover of funds. We will encourage and guide financial institutions to increase their financial support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, small businesses with low profits, and structural adjustments; and we will increase the ability of the financial services sector to serve the real economy and support industrial transformation and upgrading. We will diversify financial markets and products as well as market actors, and increase the proportion of direct financing.

Third, we will improve the mechanism for coordinating oversight and supervision efforts in the financial sector; tighten oversight over risks from credit, bonds, wealth investment products, interbank trading, trusts and similar businesses; and hold to the bottom line of making sure that no systemic or regional financial risks occur. We will keep a close watch on the cross-border flow of capital and prevent major shocks to economic and financial activities caused by the high-volume abnormal flow of capital. We will keep the RMB exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate, balanced level.

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