一、香港順利回歸祖國的歷程 |
I. Hong Kong's Smooth Return to China |
20世紀80年代初,為實現國家和平統一,國家領導人鄧小平創造性地提出了“一國兩制”的科學構想,并首先用于解決香港問題。按照鄧小平的論述,“一國兩制”是指在一個中國的前提下,國家的主體堅持社會主義制度,香港、澳門、臺灣保持原有的資本主義制度長期不變。 |
In the early 1980s, China's state leader Deng Xiaoping put forward the scientific concept known as "one country, two systems" in an effort to realize the peaceful reunification of China, and this ingenious design was first applied to solve the question of Hong Kong. According to Deng Xiaoping, "one country, two systems" means there is only but one China and under this premise the mainland adheres to the socialist system while Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan may retain their capitalist systems over a long time to come. |
1982年12月4日,第五屆全國人民代表大會第五次會議通過并公布施行的《中華人民共和國憲法》第三十一條規定:國家在必要時得設立特別行政區。在特別行政區內實行的制度按照具體情況由全國人民代表大會以法律規定。這體現了“一國兩制”構想,為中國政府在實現國家和平統一時,在某些區域設立實行不同于內地的制度和政策的特別行政區提供了直接的憲法依據。在經過深入的調查研究后,1983年初,中國政府就解決香港問題形成了十二條基本方針政策。“十二條”包括:1.中國政府決定于1997年7月1日對香港地區恢復行使主權。2.恢復行使主權后,根據憲法第三十一條規定,在香港設立特別行政區,直轄于中央人民政府,享有高度自治權。3.特別行政區享有立法權,有獨立的司法權和終審權。現行的法律、法令、條例基本不變。4.特別行政區政府由當地人組成。主要官員在當地通過選舉或協商產生,由中央人民政府委任。原香港政府各部門的公務、警務人員可予留任。特別行政區各機構也可聘請英國及其他外籍人士擔任顧問。5.現行的社會、經濟制度不變,生活方式不變。保障言論、出版、集會、結社、旅行、遷徙、通信自由和宗教信仰自由。私人財產、企業所有權、合法繼承權以及外來投資均受法律保護。6.香港特別行政區仍為自由港和獨立關稅地區。7.保持金融中心地位,繼續開放外匯、黃金、證券、期貨等市場,資金進出自由,港幣照常流通,自由兌換。8.特別行政區財政保持獨立。9.特別行政區可同英國建立互惠經濟關系。英國在香港的經濟利益將得到照顧。10.特別行政區可以“中國香港”的名義,單獨地同世界各國、各地區以及有關國際組織保持和發展經濟、文化關系,簽訂協議。特別行政區政府可自行簽發出入香港的旅行證件。11.特別行政區的社會治安由特別行政區政府負責。12.上述方針政策,由全國人民代表大會以香港特別行政區基本法規定之,50年不變。 |
On December 4, 1982, the Fifth Session of the Fifth National People's Congress (NPC) endorsed a new Constitution of the People's Republic of China. Its Article 31 provides, "The state may establish special administrative regions when necessary. The systems to be instituted in special administrative regions shall be prescribed by law enacted by the National People's Congress in the light of the specific conditions." Giving expression to the "one country, two systems" concept, this Article provides the constitutional basis for the establishment of special administrative regions in certain areas that adopt different social systems and different policies from those on the mainland, as the Chinese government makes efforts to realize the peaceful reunification of China. After in-depth investigations and research, the Chinese government formulated 12 basic policies regarding the question of Hong Kong, known as the "12 Principles," in early 1983. The main contents were: (1) The Chinese government decided to resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong as of July 1, 1997. (2) After resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the central government would establish a special administrative region in Hong Kong in accordance with the provisions in Article 31 of the Constitution. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region would be directly under the authority of the Central People's Government and would enjoy a high degree of autonomy. (3) The HKSAR would be vested with legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. The laws, decrees and regulations currently in force in Hong Kong would remain basically unchanged. (4) The government of the HKSAR would be composed of local inhabitants. The principal officials would be selected by election or through consultations held locally and be appointed by the Central People's Government. Those previously working in the public and police services in the government departments of Hong Kong may remain in employment. British and other foreign nationals may also be employed to serve as advisers to government departments of the HKSAR. (5) The current social and economic systems in Hong Kong would remain unchanged, and so would the life-style. Freedoms, including those of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, of correspondence, and of religious belief would be ensured in the HKSAR. Private property, ownership of enterprises, legitimate right of inheritance and foreign investment would be protected by law. (6) The HKSAR would retain the status of a free port and a separate customs territory. (7) The HKSAR would retain the status of a financial center, and its markets for foreign exchange, gold, securities and futures would continue. There would continue to be a free flow of capital, and the Hong Kong dollar would continue to circulate and remain freely convertible. (8) The HKSAR would have independent finances. (9) The HKSAR may establish mutually beneficial economic relations with the United Kingdom, whose economic interests in Hong Kong would be given due regard. (10) Using the name "Hong Kong, China," the HKSAR may on its own maintain and develop economic and cultural relations and conclude relevant agreements with states, regions and relevant international organizations. The government of the HKSAR may itself issue travel documents for entry into and exit from Hong Kong. (11) The maintenance of public order in the HKSAR would be the responsibility of the government of the HKSAR. And (12) the above-stated policies would be stipulated in the Basic Law of the HKSAR by the NPC of the People's Republic of China (PRC), and they would remain unchanged for 50 years. |
1982年9月24日,鄧小平會見來訪的英國首相撒切爾夫人,闡明了中國政府對香港問題的基本立場,指出主權問題不是一個可以討論的問題,1997年中國將收回香港。在這個前提下,中英兩國磋商解決香港如何過渡得好以及15年后香港怎么辦的問題。這標志著中英關于香港問題的談判拉開序幕。1984年12月19日,中英兩國政府經過22輪談判后,在北京正式簽署《中華人民共和國政府和大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國政府關于香港問題的聯合聲明》,確認中華人民共和國政府于1997年7月1日對香港恢復行使主權。中國政府還在聯合聲明中闡明以“十二條”為核心內容的對香港的基本方針政策。中英聯合聲明的簽署,標志著香港進入回歸祖國前的過渡期。在13年的過渡期內,中國政府堅定不移地遵循“一國兩制”方針政策,緊緊依靠香港同胞,堅決排除各種干擾,有條不紊地推進對香港恢復行使主權的各項準備工作。 |
During his meeting with the visiting British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on September 24, 1982, Deng Xiaoping made clear the Chinese government's position on the question of Hong Kong, pointing out that sovereignty was not a matter for discussion and that China would take back Hong Kong in 1997. It was under this premise that China and Britain would negotiate to ensure the smooth transfer of Hong Kong and clarify what was to be done about Hong Kong 15 years later. This marked the beginning of the negotiations between China and Britain on the question of Hong Kong. On December 19, 1984, after 22 rounds of negotiations, the governments of China and Britain signed the Joint Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the Question of Hong Kong in Beijing, confirming that the government of the PRC would resume its exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from July 1, 1997. The Chinese government also made clear in the Joint Declaration its basic policies regarding Hong Kong based on the "12 Principles." The signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration marked the entry of Hong Kong into a 13-year transition period before its return to China. During this period, the Chinese government unswervingly followed the "one country, two systems" policy, closely relied on the Hong Kong compatriots, and resolutely held off interference to promote the preparation work for Hong Kong's return. |
1985年4月10日,第六屆全國人大第三次會議決定成立中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會,負責起草香港基本法。同年7月起草委員會開始工作,1990年2月完成起草任務,歷時四年零八個月。香港基本法的起草過程高度民主、開放,廣大香港同胞積極參與起草工作。在起草委員會59名委員中,來自香港各方面的人士有23名。起草委員會還委托香港委員在香港成立由180位各界人士組成的基本法咨詢委員會,廣泛收集香港社會各界的意見和建議。1988年4月,起草委員會公布香港基本法(草案)征求意見稿;1989年2月,全國人大常委會公布香港基本法(草案),先后兩次在香港和內地廣泛征求意見。香港和內地社會各界人士踴躍參與討論,其中,僅香港人士就提出近8萬份意見和建議。香港基本法體現了包括香港同胞在內的全體中國人民的共同意志,凝聚了廣大中華兒女的集體智慧。 |
On April 10, 1985, the Third Session of the Sixth NPC decided to form the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR of the PRC. In July, the Drafting Committee began its work. It completed its mission in February 1990, taking four years and eight months to develop the Basic Law of Hong Kong. The drafting of the Basic Law of Hong Kong was highly democratic and open, and the compatriots of Hong Kong were widely involved. Twenty-three of the 59 members of the Drafting Committee came from various walks of life in Hong Kong, and the Drafting Committee entrusted its Hong Kong members to set up a 180-member counseling committee in Hong Kong to collect the views and opinions of the people of Hong Kong. In April 1988, the Drafting Committee published the Basic Law of Hong Kong (draft) for comments, and in February 1989 the Standing Committee of the NPC made public the Basic Law of the HKSAR (draft) and twice widely solicited views in Hong Kong and on the mainland. People from all walks of life in Hong Kong and the mainland took active part in the deliberation and discussion of the draft, and in Hong Kong alone nearly 80,000 files of views and comments were collected. The Basic Law of Hong Kong embodies the common will of all Chinese people, including Hong Kong compatriots, and encapsulates the wisdom of the Chinese nation. |
1990年4月4日,第七屆全國人大第三次會議通過《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》,同時作出設立香港特別行政區的決定。香港基本法是根據憲法制定的基本法律,規定了在香港特別行政區實行的制度和政策,是“一國兩制”方針政策的法律化、制度化,為“一國兩制”在香港特別行政區的實踐提供了法律保障。鄧小平高度評價香港基本法,稱它是“具有歷史意義和國際意義的法律”,是“具有創造性的杰作”。 |
On April 4, 1990, the Third Session of the Seventh NPC passed the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, and made the decision to establish the HKSAR. The Basic Law of the HKSAR is a basic law formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. It stipulates the system and policies to be instituted in the HKSAR, and is the legalization and institutionalization of the "one country, two systems" policy. It also provides a legal basis for the implementation of "one country, two systems" in the HKSAR. The Basic Law was lauded by Deng Xiaoping as a "law of historic and international significance" and "a creative masterpiece." |
香港基本法頒布后,中國政府著手籌備成立香港特別行政區的工作。1993年7月,全國人大常委會設立香港特別行政區籌備委員會預備工作委員會(預委會);1996年1月,全國人民代表大會香港特別行政區籌備委員會(籌委會)成立。預委會和籌委會為實現香港平穩過渡和政權順利交接做了大量工作。 |
Following the promulgation of the Basic Law, the Chinese government began preparation work for the establishment of the HKSAR. In July 1993, the NPC Standing Committee authorized the formation of the Preliminary Working Commission of the Preparatory Committee of the HKSAR (the Preliminary Working Commission). In January 1996, the Preparatory Committee of the HKSAR of the NPC (the Preparatory Committee) was established. Both the commission and the committee did a great deal of work for the smooth transition and transfer of government in Hong Kong. |
1997年7月1日,中國政府對香港恢復行使主權,香港特別行政區成立,基本法開始實施。香港進入了“一國兩制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的歷史新紀元。作為祖國大家庭的一分子,香港同胞與內地民眾共享偉大祖國的尊嚴與榮耀,共擔中華民族偉大復興的責任和使命。 |
On July 1, 1997, the Chinese government resumed its exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. At the same time, the HKSAR was established and the Basic Law came into effect. Hong Kong entered a new epoch characterized by "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy. As members of the big Chinese family, the people of Hong Kong and the people of the mainland share the pride and glory of the great mother country, and bear the common responsibility and mission of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. |
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