2015年3月15日,國務院總理李克強在人民大會堂三樓金色大廳會見采訪十二屆全國人大三次會議的中外記者并回答記者提出的問題。[中國網] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks at a press conference after the closing meeting of the third session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 15, 2015. [China.org.cn] |
赫芬頓郵報記者: 總理,您好。柴靜的《穹頂之下》說中石化、中石油這兩個央企一直在妨礙環保政策的制定和執行,尤其是在汽油質量標準的確定和天然氣的推行。我的問題就是,您認為這兩個央企真的在阻礙環保政策的落實嗎?如果這樣的話,中央政府會怎么沖破這種阻力?謝謝。 | Huffington Post: Big oil companies like Sinopec and PetroChina have been an obstacle to formulating and implementing the policies on environmental protection, especially in setting the quality standards of gasoline and promoting wider use of natural gas. Is it true that these companies are posing an obstacle to carrying out environmental protection policies? If so, what steps will the Chinese government take to remove such an obstacle? |
李克強: 我理解你剛才一連串的發問,問的是人們,包括在座各位普遍關注的霧霾等環境污染這個焦點問題。可以說政府在治理霧霾等環境污染方面,決心是堅定的,也下了很大的氣力,但取得的成效和人們的期待還有比較大的差距。我去年在《政府工作報告》中說,要向霧霾等污染宣戰,不達目的決不停戰。 | Li Keqiang: I understand the focus of all your questions is about tackling environmental pollution, especially smog, a concern that is uppermost on all people's minds. I want to tell you that the Chinese government is determined to tackle smog and environmental pollution as a whole, and tremendous efforts have been made in this regard. But the progress achieved still falls far short of the expectation of our people. Last year, I said that the Chinese government would declare war against environmental pollution. We are determined to carry forward our efforts until we achieve our goal. |
治理要抓住關鍵,今年的要害就是要嚴格執行新出臺的《環境保護法》。對違法違規排放的企業,不論是什么樣的企業,堅決依法追究,甚至要讓那些偷排偷放的企業承受付不起的代價。對環保執法部門要加大支持力度,包括能力建設,不允許有對執法的干擾和法外施權。環保等執法部門也要敢于擔當,承擔責任。對工作不到位、工作不力的也要問責,瀆職失職的要依法追究,環保法的執行不是棉花棒,是殺手锏。 | We must get the focus of our efforts right. This year, our focus will be to ensure full implementation of the newly revised environmental protection law. All acts of illegal production and emissions will be brought to account. We will make the cost for doing so too high to bear. More support will be given to the law enforcement departments, such as in capacity building. No one must use his power to meddle with law enforcement. The law enforcement departments also need to have the courage to take charge and fulfill their due responsibilities. Laxity in law enforcement will be dealt with and dereliction of duties or abuse of office will be handled in accordance with the law. We must make sure that the law will work as a powerful and effective tool in fighting pollution instead of being as soft as cotton candy. |
當然,治理是一個系統工程。我前天看到有個別媒體報道,說今年《政府工作報告》關于霧霾等環境污染治理的表述放在比較靠后的位置。我想說明,今年報告有很大的變化,就是我們把節能減排的指標和主要經濟社會發展指標排列在一起,放在了很靠前的位置。報告里從調結構到提高油品生產和使用的質量等,都和治理霧霾等環境污染相關聯,這是一個需要全社會人人有責的治理行動。當然,治理要有個過程,如果說人一時難以改變自己所處的自然環境,但是可以改變自己的行為方式。謝謝! | To tackle environmental pollution is a systemic project that involves a lot of efforts across areas. A few days ago I came across a media report which said that in this year's government work report, the paragraph addressing environmental treatment came quite in the back. But I want to draw your attention to one big difference in this year's government work report. That is our targets for energy conservation and emission reduction are put together with all the major targets of economic and social development and they are together put in the front part of the report. Actually, many parts of the report, be it adjusting economic structure or improving the quality of fuel, all have something to do with environmental treatment. To tackle pollution takes a process and requires the joint efforts of the whole of society. It may be difficult for one to change the natural environment he lives in anytime soon, but one can always change the way he behaves. |
中央電視臺記者: 總理,您好!我這個問題是關于中國經濟進入新常態之后,我們的人口規模和人口結構怎樣與之相適應、相匹配?去年出臺實施了單獨二孩政策以后,社會上又出現了要求全面放開二孩的聲音,這在今年兩會上也是一個熱點話題。我想請問總理的是,全面放開二孩會是我們國家生育政策調整完善未來一個確定的方向嗎?如果是的話,有沒有具體的時間表?謝謝。 | CCTV: As China's economic development enters a new normal, people are also thinking how we can bring our demographic scale and structure compatible with the new normal. Last year, married couples can have a second child if one of the parents is a single child. During this year's two sessions, many people are calling for fully lifting the second-child restrictions and this is also a hot topic during the two sessions. I would like to ask if this is one of the goals on the government's agenda in reforming its family planning policy. If so, is there a time table for that to happen? |
李克強: 你的面孔我很熟悉,不用做廣告。至于你談到人口政策,去年我們已經開始實施單獨二孩政策,現在正在推進,也正在進行全面的評估。我們會根據評估的結果,也考慮中國經濟社會發展和人口結構變化的情況,權衡利弊,但是必須依照法律程序來調整和完善人口政策。謝謝! | Li Keqiang: About China's population policy, as you said, from last year married couples can have a second child if one of the parents is a single child. Currently we are conducting a comprehensive review of how this policy has been implemented. Based on the outcome of this review and taking into account China's economic and social development and changes in our demographic structure, we will weight both the pros and cons, and make improvements and adjustments to our policy in accordance with legal procedures. |
朝日新聞記者: 您好。今年是戰后70周年,我想了解總理的歷史觀?另外到日本的中國游客現在有所增加,在日本購買很多東西,但是到中國的日本游客比以前減少,日本的對華投資也減少,您怎么分析這種現象?如何看待中國在70周年的紀念活動,包括大閱兵給日本國民的對華感情帶來的影響。謝謝。 | Asahi Shimbun: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. I would like to ask your outlook on history, Mr. Premier. We have also seen that more Chinese tourists have traveled to Japan and bought a lot of things there, but the number of Japanese tourists visiting China as well as Japanese investment in China have both declined. How do you see such a situation? How do you view the possible impact of China's planned commemoration activities, including the military parade, on the sentiments of the Japanese people? |
李克強: 今年是中國人民抗日戰爭和世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年,不僅中國,世界上許多國家都要開展多種形式的紀念活動,目的是要牢記這一慘痛的歷史悲劇,不能讓歷史再重演,要維護二戰勝利成果和戰后國際秩序及一系列國際法,以維護人類持久和平。 | Li Keqiang: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. Not only China but also many countries in the world have planned to hold diverse forms of commemoration activities. The purpose of these activities is to firmly bear in mind the hard lessons gained from the past and ensure that that kind of history will never repeat itself. The purpose is to uphold the outcomes of the Second World War and the post-war international order and international laws so as to uphold enduring peace of mankind. |
當前,中日關系的確比較困難,根子還是在于對那場戰爭、對歷史的認識和能否始終保持正確的認識。堅持正確的歷史觀,就是要以史為鑒、面向未來。對于一個國家的領導人來說,不僅要繼承前人所創造的成就,也應該擔負起前人罪行所帶來的歷史責任。當年,日本軍國主義強加給中國人民的那場侵略戰爭,給我們帶來了巨大的災難,最終日本民眾也是受害者。在今年這樣一個重要的時刻,我認為對中日關系既是檢驗,也是機遇。如果日本領導人正視歷史,并且保持一貫,改善和發展中日關系就有新的契機,也自然會給中日經貿關系的發展創造良好的條件。謝謝! | It is true that the current China-Japan relationship is in difficulty. The crux of the issue is how that war and that part of history are viewed. One needs to hold a right outlook on history, meaning one needs to take history as a mirror and look to the future. For leaders of a country, while inheriting the historical achievements made by their predecessors, they also need to shoulder the historical responsibilities for crimes committed by past generations. The war of aggression imposed on the Chinese people by the Japanese militarists brought untold sufferings, and the average people in Japan were also victims of that war. At such a critical moment this year, China-Japan relationship faces both a test and an opportunity. If leaders of Japan can face history squarely and maintain consistency in how they view that part of history, there will be a new opportunity for improvement and growth of China-Japan relations. It will also create favorable conditions for the growth of business relationship between the two countries. |