前 言 | Preface |
人類在漫長發展進程中創造了豐富多彩的世界文明,中華文明是世界文明多樣性、多元化的重要組成部分。中醫藥作為中華文明的杰出代表,是中國各族人民在幾千年生產生活實踐和與疾病作斗爭中逐步形成并不斷豐富發展的醫學科學,不僅為中華民族繁衍昌盛作出了卓越貢獻,也對世界文明進步產生了積極影響。 | Humanity has created a colorful global civilization in the long course of its development, and the civilization of China is an important component of the world civilization harboring great diversity. As a representative feature of Chinese civilization, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a medical science that was formed and developed in the daily life of the people and in the process of their fight against diseases over thousands of years. It has made a great contribution to the nation's procreation and the country's prosperity, in addition to producing a positive impact on the progress of human civilization. |
中醫藥在歷史發展進程中,兼容并蓄、創新開放,形成了獨特的生命觀、健康觀、疾病觀、防治觀,實現了自然科學與人文科學的融合和統一,蘊含了中華民族深邃的哲學思想。隨著人們健康觀念變化和醫學模式轉變,中醫藥越來越顯示出獨特價值。 | TCM has created unique views on life, on fitness, on diseases and on the prevention and treatment of diseases during its long history of absorption and innovation. It represents a combination of natural sciences and humanities, embracing profound philosophical ideas of the Chinese nation. As ideas on fitness and medical models change and evolve, traditional Chinese medicine has come to underline a more and more profound value. |
新中國成立以來,中國高度重視和大力支持中醫藥發展。中醫藥與西醫藥優勢互補,相互促進,共同維護和增進民眾健康,已經成為中國特色醫藥衛生與健康事業的重要特征和顯著優勢。 | Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese government has set great store by TCM and rendered vigorous support to its development. TCM and Western medicine have their different strengths. They work together in China to protect people from diseases and improve public health. This has turned out to be one of the important features and notable strengths of medicine with Chinese characteristics. |
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