We are the allies who landed at Omaha and Gold, who sacrificed side by side to free a continent from the march of tyranny, and help prosperity flourish from the ruins of war. And with the founding of NATO -- a British idea -- we joined a transatlantic alliance that has ensured our security for over half a century. |
我們是在奧馬哈和戈爾德灘頭登陸的盟友,我們以獻身的精神并肩戰斗,從暴政的鐵蹄下解救了整個大陸,幫助人們在戰爭的廢墟上建設繁榮。隨著北約的創立——根據英國的建議——我們聯合成了一個跨大西洋聯盟,半個多世紀以來確保了我們的安全。 |
Together with our allies, we forged a lasting peace from a cold war. When the Iron Curtain lifted, we expanded our alliance to include the nations of Central and Eastern Europe, and built new bridges to Russia and the former states of the Soviet Union. And when there was strife in the Balkans, we worked together to keep the peace. |
同我們的盟友一起,我們經歷了冷戰,締造了持久和平。當鐵幕被打破的時候,我們擴大了我們的聯盟,納入了東歐和中歐國家,建立了與俄羅斯和前蘇聯加盟共和國交往的新橋梁。在巴爾干地區燃起戰火之時,我們共同努力維持和平。 |
Today, after a difficult decade that began with war and ended in recession, our nations have arrived at a pivotal moment once more. A global economy that once stood on the brink of depression is now stable and recovering. After years of conflict, the United States has removed 100,000 troops from Iraq, the United Kingdom has removed its forces, and our combat mission there has ended. In Afghanistan, we've broken the Taliban's momentum and will soon begin a transition to Afghan lead. And nearly 10 years after 9/11, we have disrupted terrorist networks and dealt al Qaeda a huge blow by killing its leader -- Osama bin Laden. |
今天,在經歷了從戰爭開始到以衰退為終點的艱難的10年后,我們兩國又再次進入了一個關鍵時刻。曾經瀕臨蕭條的全球經濟現已趨于穩定并正在復蘇。經過多年的戰事,美國從伊拉克撤出了10萬軍隊,英國也撤出了自己的軍隊,我們在伊拉克的作戰任務已經結束。在阿富汗,我們遏阻了塔利班的擴張勢頭,不久將向由阿富汗主導的方向過渡。在 9.11 事件發生將近10年后,我們瓦解了恐怖主義網絡,擊斃了恐怖主義頭子奧薩馬?本?拉登給予“基地”組織沉重的打擊。 |
Together, we have met great challenges. But as we enter this new chapter in our shared history, profound challenges stretch before us. |
我們共同應對了重大的挑戰。但在我們掀開兩國共同歷史這一新篇章的時刻,各種嚴峻的挑戰展現在我們的面前。 |
In a world where the prosperity of all nations is now inextricably linked, a new era of cooperation is required to ensure the growth and stability of the global economy. As new threats spread across borders and oceans, we must dismantle terrorist networks and stop the spread of nuclear weapons, confront climate change and combat famine and disease. And as a revolution races through the streets of the Middle East and North Africa, the entire world has a stake in the aspirations of a generation that longs to determine its own destiny. |
在一個各國的繁榮已不可分割地緊密相連的世界,必須開創合作的新時代確保全球經濟的增長和穩定。隨著新的威脅跨越國界和海洋四處蔓延,我們必須摧毀恐怖主義網絡,制止核武器擴散;應對氣候變化,抗擊饑餓和疾病。當革命浪潮席卷中東和北非各國的街頭之時,這一代人渴望自己決定命運的呼聲與全世界息息相關。 |
These challenges come at a time when the international order has already been reshaped for a new century. Countries like China, India, and Brazil are growing by leaps and bounds. We should welcome this development, for it has lifted hundreds of millions from poverty around the globe, and created new markets and opportunities for our own nations. |
這些挑戰產生于一個新世紀的國際秩序已被重新塑造的時期。中國、印度和巴西等國家正在突飛猛進地發展。我們應該歡迎這一發展,因為它使全球億萬人民擺脫了貧困,并為我們自己的國家開拓了新市場和新機會。 |
And yet, as this rapid change has taken place, it's become fashionable in some quarters to question whether the rise of these nations will accompany the decline of American and European influence around the world. Perhaps, the argument goes, these nations represent the future, and the time for our leadership has passed. |
然而,隨著快速變化的發生,在某些地方出現了一些已成為時髦的質疑,聲稱伴隨著這些國家崛起,美歐在全世界影響力是否會走向衰落。這種論點認為,也許這些國家代表著未來,我們發揮領導作用的時代已經過去。 |
That argument is wrong. The time for our leadership is now. It was the United States and the United Kingdom and our democratic allies that shaped a world in which new nations could emerge and individuals could thrive. And even as more nations take on the responsibilities of global leadership, our alliance will remain indispensable to the goal of a century that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more just. |
但這種論點是錯誤的。現在正是我們發揮領導作用的時候。正是美國、英國和我們的民主同盟國家塑造了新興國家得以崛起和個人得以發展的世界。即便在更多國家能夠承擔全球領導責任之時,為了使這個世紀實現更和平、更繁榮和更公正的目標,我們的同盟依然必不可少。 |
At a time when threats and challenges require nations to work in concert with one another, we remain the greatest catalysts for global action. In an era defined by the rapid flow of commerce and information, it is our free market tradition, our openness, fortified by our commitment to basic security for our citizens, that offers the best chance of prosperity that is both strong and shared. As millions are still denied their basic human rights because of who they are, or what they believe, or the kind of government that they live under, we are the nations most willing to stand up for the values of tolerance and self-determination that lead to peace and dignity. |
在威脅與挑戰要求各國必須攜手努力,相互協調之時,我們依然是全球行動最大的推動力量。在一個以商務和信息的迅速流通為特征的時代,我們的自由市場傳統、我們的開放性,同時我們承諾保障我們公民的基本安全,以此作為堅強的后盾,為強大的共同繁榮創造了最好的機會。由于億萬人民因他們的身份、他們的信仰或統治他們的政府的屬性而被剝奪了基本人權,我們這些國家最積極地要求維護有助于實現和平與尊嚴的包容和自決的價值觀。 |